Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day Uno

*A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself*

1. I clean my ears more than once a day. 
2. I just started to floss 2 months ago, be proud.
3. I feel like bacon makes everything better.
4. Brandeis and I have never gotten in a fight.
5. Recently, more people have noticed my tiny hands...
6. As a child I use to eat ants.
7. I cried during Baby Mama.
8. My mom has brainwashed me to think I have been the prettiest girl in school since I was in kindergarten.
9. I love making smores over the oven.
10. TECHNICALLY, I am a brunette..... please don't tell anyone.
11. I shave my legs Maybe every other week... brandeis loooooves it ;)
12. I randomly grow my pinky nail really long like a crack nail....
13. I have 3 best friends, thats all. 1 boy and 2 girls. Try to guess..
14. I want to be a dental hygienist, make up artist, and optometrist....but eh I'll just be a mom. :)
15. I have the most amazing husband. interesting huh? haha.

Yep, most recent thanks to my lovely photographer, Brandeis.


  1. you know i love that booty.
    The crack nail?!?! HAHAHAH! that cracked me up..

  2. haha Brandeis is embarrassed by the picture...

    and yes. crack nail! I had one when we went shopping and I just cut it! I cut my pinky like every 2-3 months. haha
