Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Missionary "Girlfriend"

I look back at the 2 years my husband was on his mission and feel the need to evaluate the good, bad, horribly ugly mistakes and accomplishments I made. This post is dedicated to all the lovely ladies still "actively waiting" for their "boyfriend" to return home from a 2 year mission.

WARNING: you, yes you...might not like this.

WARNING: I speak from personal experiences.
WARNING: I have learned from my mistakes.
WARNING: You need take this seriously. I am 100% serious.
WARNING: Brandeis once told me to write a book on this subject since I am really passionate about it.

I feel I am very blunt and real. Some Most days I hold my tongue and let people live in this fairytale.

Now, I have wanted to write a blog post about this subject since the day I started to no, you personally did not make me write do not take it personally, but instead learn from it.

I was at one point in my life what you would consider a "Missionary Girlfriend" which is a horrible, gross, barf worthy term. I would never have called myself that and I never ever ever called myself Brandeis' "Girlfriend." Ever. In fact I technically never had that "title" until he came home from his mission since I strongly am against dating seriously before a mission....Now, I knew I loved him...I actually realized that a few days before he left on his mission. I knew the day he gave his farewell talk that he was the most amazing person I have ever met and that he would make someone so happy one day and I wanted to be that girl. BUT I had priorities.....

I have learned so much about what it takes to "wait" for a boy. Not only did I "wait" but my oldest sister in law did also. I think her experience with my brother on his mission taught me the most.

Background on Kelsea and my brother Brandon: They dated in high school until he went on his mission. If I know the story correctly I am sure they dated 2 ish years before his mission, so not just a few months...thats the part that matters...they loved each other. As an 11 year old watching my brother leave on his mission and seeing Kelsea heartbroken I remember thinking.."i don't want that." I am the craziest non-emotional person ever. I hate being sad and I hate missing people. So, I knew I would never want to be so wrapped around a boy when he left on a mission.

While my brother was gone Kelsea never came over. I remember being really sad, but if you know my mom you know that she had a "No Kelsea" policy. I was so sad. I have loved her since I met her when I was 9. That 2 years went by fast. Now that I am older I have heard stories of the dates and "boyfriends" Kelsea had and all the experiences and growing up that occurred while my brother was gone! After 2 years my brother came home and they were soon sealed in the temple and are still together after 11 years (I hope I did my math right.) So crazy. Life.

Now my story: Brandeis was not expecting me to write him. He told me that when he got my first letter he was so shocked. So, when I tell you I was standoffish towards him and never got too close...I mean it! We never "made out" while we liked each other for those 6 months. I was completely devoted to him going on a mission and me not being sad once he left. The day he said "goodbye" to me I gave him a side hug...A SIDE HUG. SO PATHETIC. I think Heavenly Father was holding my hand through the whole process. Knowing you love someone and not crying when they leave for 2 years was hard. I just thought to myself, "Be strong for him." Saying goodbye to family, friends and someone you love is not easy so I knew I had to keep in my feelings and be strong. My first step for myself to cope with him being gone and not getting depressed was to date. I went on a date before he went to the MTC. That is within 2 days of him leaving. haha...  I went on dates frequently. I even had 2 boyfriends that lasted 2-6 months. Those boyfriends were key to progressing like I did while he was gone.

Each boyfriend helps you grow. I am not saying go get in a serious relationship, but even dating someone more steady for a while wont hurt. I learned so much about what I wanted and didn't want from my future husband by the boys I dated. After each break up I would think, "Brandeis is so amazing, I cannot wait for him to come home." Truth. Dating other solidified my love for Brandeis. When Brandeis had a little less than 6 months till he came home I was talking with my bishop and he told me something that seemed so crazy and rude at the time, but I am so grateful now to have heard. "There is a chance he will come home and not feel like you are good enough." Wow. Slap to the face. Here I was reading my scriptures daily, attending the temple and basically being as perfect as you can get in this world and I was told I wasn't going to be good enough. Best advice ever. I knew I needed to be on his level. When missionaries come home they are 100% different. The same things are not funny anymore...they no longer want to run and get slurpees AND hot chocolate at midnight.. It is devastating. I had 2 brother's return home from missions and they were completely different. Its a fact, so do not think yours will be different.

If you do not progress and change for the better they will leave you behind! There is a reason only 2% of Missionary "Girlfriend"s become Missionary "Wives"....

I know maybe 10 girls right now actively waiting for a missionary and all I can say is, "Im sorry." I just feel you are completely wasting your life when you could be having amazing experiences and learning so much! Now, if you are one of these girls do not get upset at me for all of this because honestly, you are not even sure if I am wrong or right! I think of all the great things I did with those 2 years and the boys I was able to meet and learn from. These 2 years are for you to date and make sure you are making the right choice. Yes, your missionary is AMAZING and PERFECT, but maybe when he gets back you realize he isn't perfect for you anymore... Wouldn't you feel so upset at yourself that you pretty much threw away 2 years of prime dating/fun time crying at home over a boy that is 100% enjoying himself and not spending every free time thinking about you?!

Now, I did cry. I cried the first time after 3ish months of him being gone. I cried after each breakup I experienced or every time I met a boy that ended up treating me bad. I cried to have Brandeis around to talk to...but I got over it and pulled myself together real fast! I never cried around people. Crying over a missionary is for weak people! Be strong! If you are faithful and pray and read your scriptures you will not be sad they are gone! You will only find peace knowing they are going to come back a stronger more obedient and amazing man that could be your husband one day!

When Brandeis finally came home I was a is not an easy decision to finally date the 1 person you could marry. So, be prepared. I dated enough boys while he was gone that I knew for sure he was going to be perfect for me and what I needed... If I did not date and I just sat around with my Brandeis shrine in my closet, I know I would have not been as prepared as I was to get married. I mean, you will be with this person for ETERNITY! Enjoy the last 2 years you have as a single hottie! :)

I feel my long rants are all out on the table now. I would say all this to your face, and some of you I have, but I know when you are 'actively waiting" you are usually at an 8 or 9 on the "I am about to cry if you say his name or even the country my boyfriend is in" hopefully reading it seemed more gentle and loving.

Mistakes I made while waiting:
Emails. Do not do it. Can you not wait for a dang letter? I know it might take awhile to receive but they are only allotted a short amount of time for emailing and that time needs to be spent emailing their family. Receiving an email does not make your life makes it worse since you just miss them more.

Family. Family is always #1. Some things I have learned since getting married is Brandeis spent more time trying to communicate with me than writing diligently to all his siblings. You need to remember (especially if they have large families) that their family is currently are not and might never will be. Imagine all those missionaries that never get married to the girl they spent all their time writing and trying to build a relationship with when they could be building that relationship with their family/the Lord....shame on you and on me!

List of things to remember.
1. Let yourself move on...even if it is just mentally and not in your heart. DO IT. Date. It's not a sin, I promise. No one will judge you if you date, we will actually applaud you.
2. Try to not elaborate on how much you miss them. I promise they never think "I miss her soooooo much" until they see you babbling through an email how sad you are without them. A quick, "I am proud of you." will do the trick. Or maybe a catchy saying. Brandeis and I had one. It was 2 words and meant everything to me when he would write it. More than him saying "i love you and can't wait to marry you and think about you every night when i see the moon knowing its the same where you are at."
3. Do not break rules. Even the grey area ones. Remember there is no grey..just black and white.
4. Send packages and letters. They love this. Make them generic and fun. and LOTS of candy. Brandeis loved when I just sent candy. (this part was something brandeis told me to tell you to do. haha)
4. ALWAYS BE UPLIFTING. I always ended my letters not with a "baby i miss you and love you." but with a scripture or my testimony then at the end i would tell him to be strong and to never regret a day he is out there since it will be over sooner than later.

I hope this helped someone....I do not mean to make you upset if you are...just trying to help and give you some insight from someone who has been there....don't forget...I have been you.

If you don't listen to anything I just said or just straight up think I am wrong then aoookay. I am fine with that...just as long as you continue to better yourself and have really good experiences in between the times you cry yourself to sleep.

Jerilyn...saving one girl from being depressed and wasting her amazing youth one blog post at a time.


  1. Holy cow, I loved this post! I'm forwarding it to. one of my former YW, right now. Thanks for sharing these experiences... glad you 'waited' and are a Truman now ;-) love you!

  2. Ditto Jer and Channi! I did not have a girlfriend while I was gone, so I carried around a photo of my motorcycle...not too romantic, buy she was there for me when I got home. As a result of over ten years working with youth, I can agree with Jer, and go one step further to STRONGLY discourage steady dating and having a boyfriend or girlfriend before your missions; spend your time and energy on YM/Scouting and YW advancements.
    Dave Truman (Brandies' fave uncle)

  3. I'm dying.. applauding you.. then laughing again.. especially at the "when i see the moon knowing its the same where you are at." part. pahahaha. I don't regret for one second ever not waiting for a missionary. Its like if you can't live an independent life away from 'your missionary' I sense a lack of ambition. We all have passions, go out and fulfill them, BETTER YOURSELF IN THE PROCESS.. thats the best part I took from this. You are amazing.. and my best fren;)

  4. Awww Truman Family. I love all of you. I was worried I was going to get so much backlash from this post! I am glad its all positive...hopefully no girls cried themsel asleep on my behave. :)

  5. This is so good! I have met so many girls that flat out just tell you they are waiting for a missionary and it just makes me feel bad for them. The missionary is out their not having to worry one bit about dating or having fun or what to do on any given day, and these girls often just sit in their houses/apts and do nothing wasting away. That or they are forcing their roommates to spend 100% of their time with them so that they don't date either even though they don't have a missionary haha Good stuff thanks for sharing

  6. I LOVE this post. I'm currently a "missionary girlfriend" and I too, hate that term. He's coming home in a matter of weeks, and your advice on I may not be good enough for him anymore and he will be different, he's no exception, really, REALLY helped me do a reality check. I also said I would never wait for a missionary, and then, well, it happened. I've always told him to write letters, even when he insists on emailing. I am always making sure he's writing his family and friends, I'll even tell him to not write me so that he can write them. I dated a lot while he has been gone, nothing serious, but that's just because I have major commitment issues. I learned a lot from those dates though, and I have a lot of good stories. I'm actually scared that my fun single life might be ending soon. I know it's not going to be happily ever after, but I know he's worth it. That's all I can go on for right now. Seriously though, thank you for posting this. Helped me a lot. :)

    1. Thank you Selina!! All I was wanting was to help mend the hearts and minds of girls that are not sure how to technically wait for someone! You go into the adventure blind and sometimes a little guidance from someone who has an insight helps! I have been married for almost 3 years now! Everything will work out even if you do not end up with the missionary! I promise! :)

  7. Thank you for this. this is the exact advice my parents always gave me, and other people think I'm crazy and weird. so in glad other people are with me on this :) you seem like an amazing lady :)

  8. This is a GREAT post, I'm not LDS but a lot of my friends are and I was always curious about this. This is great, thanks for enlightening me!

    (We went to HS together, I was a freshman and you were a senior in STUCO.(Gosh that seems so forever ago!) Anyways, we never talked much or anything, but I really love your blog :)

  9. THANK YOU MILLIONS!!!! It is SO nice that I'm not the only one who thinks like this! My best friend is on his mission right now and I refuse to do the whole waiting thing. I've been on dates since he left and I'll go on lots more before he comes home. My job right now is to be supportive of him and positive about his decision to serve a mission. I love that he is serving the Lord. I'll be serving a mission in a few months as well. Both of us used to talk about it all the time and we do everything we can to support each other with it. My testimony of the gospel has been strengthened so much as he has shared the experiences he has on his mission with me. Having a best friend on a mission is seriously the coolest thing ever! I get more and more excited to serve a mission every time he writes me. And yes, there are days that I miss him, that's normal, but I don't spend my life being sad. He's serving the Lord and I am SO proud of him for that. I love that he is changing and growing and becoming who God wants him to be. I can't wait to get out there and have those experiences as well :)

    1. I can't believe people are still reading this! Where did you see it? :)

      So happy you feel this was never intended to be negative, so I am glad you feel it uplifting! I'm just this old 25 year old trying to help out the youngsters out there ;)

      Stay positive and a good cry always helps! Just don't cry to your friends...that is embarrassing.. haha.

      Good luck on your mission! It will help you grow so much and every man will be swooning over you when you return! :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you! I'm really excited :)
      I randomly decided to search "missionary girlfriend" on Google the other day just to see what people were saying about it and that's how I found this.

  10. I think this post is inconsiderate, ignorant, and hurtful. Many missionary girlfriends make a huge difference for their missionary. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe waiting for a missionary is part of Heavenly Father's plan for some people? And you're discouraging them from doing that? I cant think of a better way for someone who is not meant to go on to grow and develop into the person that they're meant to be than waiting for and supporting a missionary. Every relationship is different, but when its centered on Christ, there's a good chance it will make it, despite trials or distance. And saying that its embarrassing to cry to your friends? Umm I don't know about you, but my friends are there for me when I need to cry. Pretty sure that's what friends are for. Your "advice" is the worst crap I've ever heard when it comes to waiting for a missionary. Its not uplifting and I think its damaging and negative for young women to hear.

    1. I hope between your negativity while reading this post you realized I am an old married lady that has experienced a lot. I am not in my early 20's trying to figure out the world anymore. I know waiting for my husband was the best decision I ever made, but on top of that I strongly believe the growing and life choices I made while he was gone made me who I am today. The post was just my insight on waiting and all the mistakes I made, not necessarily saying "DONT WAIT!" "BAD CHOICE!" since come on…I did wait.

    2. She wasn't trying to be negative, she's just saying that the world isn't over because your missionary is gone. There's nothing wrong with supporting a missionary and encouraging them, that's what I'm doing right now. My best friend has thanked me for it several times. And with reference to the whole "friends" thing, it totally depends on your personality. Some people don't like crying in front of their friends, other people do because it helps them get through it. You do what works best for you. Everyone works through missing their missionary in different ways. I have cried in front of two or three of my close friends and they knew why without even asking. Sometimes I just want to keep it all to myself. She's not saying that every missionary girlfriend is a horrible human being and will ruin the life of her missionary.

  11. Lol this is not meant to be a negative post. It's informative from her point of view. Also she prefaced the entire thing with disclaimers. I don't see how this is inconsiderate unless the person reading it is already vulnerable to being offended by someone else's opinion sculpted by life experience.
