Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Resolution QUe?

I have never been a big Resolution person.

Just a few facts about myself that you should know before this post.

  • I have never really dieted. I can't handle be so restricted. I love food and I will eat whatever I dang please, dangit....
  • I think there is a time and place for cussing. I can't recall a time where I have cursed out of anger...for example , "YOU B&*&^&!!" That's not my style...but from time to time I might say a funny sentence that has the "D" word or "H" word in it, shoot me okay? I am a huge sinner I guess.
  • I cut my hair CONSTANTLY. I hate having it at an awkward, "I am short,maybe medium but maybe that is just a weird kink in my hair" length.  (I just googled Kink to make sure I used it right...)

"Resolution for 2011!!!" So, here goes nothing.
  • I don't want to necessarily diet, but by this time next year I want to be a BABE when it comes to my body image...I know I am already a babe, but this is different. This has NOTHING to do with my face or outfits...this is purely my skin and how much it isn't stretching anymore.
  • No more funny cussing, it is not lady like. Brandeis tells me I have been really good in the last few months... I have cut down on my "Hot D*&%!!". It use to be entertaining, but I shall fill that void with may Zumba fitness video with my weighted maracas.
  • I feel the need to see how long my hair will grow in 1 year! I cut it a week before Christmas so, we shall see what happens in one year....I have done this before...I think and I feel I look trashy/homeless with long hair. Hopefully with my new age hairstyling tricks I pick up from watching YouTube I will be able to make my hair look sexy.
Wish me Luck!


  1. Good luck ma'am!!! Just so you know....I am training to be a hairstylist, so if you need help in the hair dept, I could..... with a few tricks to combat the 'trashy/homeless' longhair look your afraid of. As a side note: I think you are just adorable and I love you!!

  2. hmmmm. the only problem is I am NEVER in Utah. But we are coming this month for a wedding.... we shall see if I have time. My mom is still trying to figure out if we are going for 2 days or just one.... My sister went to hairschool, but it is like pulling teeth to get her to do my hair :( I might just color it brown so I wont be 2 toned...right now my roots are showing the world that I am not a natural blonde...not cool. And I love you and think you are adorable and a hot mom. the end.
