Thursday, January 27, 2011


I have a love/hate relationship with a word.


It gives me the willies.

We are going on 6 months of marriage
and are about 2 years away from loving that word.

It is nerve wrecking sitting for those 3 minutes to see if you have
one line or two.
I feel like I am 13 all over again and stressed thinking I was pregnant...
(I will have to type up a post later explaining that story...I was still a virgin, of course.)

Why should I be stressed? I am 22..married. rich (lie), and happy.

Okay I see why I am stressed. A BABY RUINS EVERYTHING.

haha. jk.

I don't want to find out I got knocked up and not have Brandeis say," YAYAYA!!"
... right now he would say, "NAYNAYNAY!!"

Oh the stress.


  1. This makes me sad. :(
    But I suppose it's b/c we look at the notion of having babies differently.
    Sure, enjoy the newness of your marriage while you can. The companionship of just eachother, the solitude while or the other is away, the crowd of friends you get to hang out with whenever you want w/o having to worry about a baby or a sitter... live it up.
    However, both of you should remember that a child is a blessing given in any sense, and if it happens before you plan on it, that it was in God's plan. And we all know His plan is what's best.
    Good luck babes, and don't stress too much. At least you'll have good looking kids ;)
    All my love,
    -Sis J

  2. I guess I should have said that when we are ready we will be ecstatic and jump for joy... but not right now. :)

    Once I do get pregnant, even if it is not planned I will be excited to have a little one running around...but if I get the choice...I choose to wait...just a little bit... :)
