Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I always knew waiting was never okay.
I always knew money shouldn't be the reason.
I always knew wanting to travel isn't okay.
I always knew there is no perfect time.
I always knew it's a commandment.

Many voices in the world today marginalize the importance of having children or suggest delaying or limiting children in a family. My daughters recently referred me to a blog written by a Christian mother (not of our faith) with five children. She commented: “[Growing] up in this culture, it is very hard to get a biblical perspective on motherhood. … Children rank way below college. Below world travel for sure. Below the ability to go out at night at your leisure. Below toning your body at the gym. Below any job you may have or hope to get.” She then adds: “Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.”7

Across the world, this is a time of economic instability and financial uncertainty. In April general conference, President Thomas S. Monson said: “If you are concerned about providing financially for a wife and family, may I assure you that there is no shame in a couple having to scrimp and save. It is generally during these challenging times that you will grow closer together as you learn to sacrifice and to make difficult decisions.”10

Brandeis tries to tell me that waiting is okay. 
I cannot find where it says that it is okay to wait.
I am not BEGGING or WANTING a baby at all. 
I keep telling people I want to wait 4 years.
I feel like it is only because I am extremely self-centered and involved in my own life to want to bring someone into it.
Now, where is the conference talk saying it is OKAY to wait 5 years after marriage to have a baby?
Where does it say it is OKAY to wait til you are out of school?
Where does it say it is OKAY to go on lavish trips before conceiving?
Where does it say to make sure you "really like eachother" before having kids?

I feel I already "REALLY LIKE" Brandeis and I am not sure I can love someone more...

Why do I feel the need to live my life to the fullest until I have children? 
Why do I feel children will just drag me down?
Why isn't there a timeframe for when to have kids?

Please just tell me..... "Tminus 2 years after marriage you will start working on conceiving."
That would be so much easier to figure out. 

Is waiting 4 more years reasonable? I use to think it was PERFECT for our lives

In “the best of times [and] … the worst of times,”15 the true Saints of God, acting in faith, have never forgotten, dismissed, or neglected “God’s commandment … to multiply and replenish the earth.”16 We go forward in faith—realizing the decision of how many children to have and when to have them is between a husband and wife and the Lord. We should not judge one another on this matter.

I guess all I can ask is to not judge us for how long we will probably wait.

Thanks Neil L. Andersen for your talk on Children. To read the whole talk visit: http://lds.org/general-conference/2011/10/children?lang=eng

1 comment:

  1. My experience is children come faster with DD's
