Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I love my life.

I guess finally isn't a great way to express this blog post, but that's how I feel right now.

We are finally stable.

We are finally not stressed.

We finally know what we are going to do....kinda. ;)

I am finally caught up with all my debt! woo hoo!
I mean, I still pay monthly, but I finally can actually pay and eat! Haha

I finally  feel like everything is falling right into place.

And to think it has only taken 6 months! :)

Maybe I should add some recent pictures of the cute couple.
Britt&Jordan's Wedding

OOtah Yazz Game

Happy 6 months on the 14th..
aka Valentines Day!
Big Day.


  1. Big dayyy! haha love you guys! props to no debt!

  2. Haha..Drew and I agree it will be another 5 years before we have any of these things, finally.

  3. it's okay big sis. it's only cause we rent, my boss buys lunch daily, we don't have animals/babies, and we carpool to work.

    Those things solve everything.
